Commercial Concrete
Our plant is NRMCA certified and supervised by a professional Engineer, Two WV DOH PCC Technicians, and an ACI Grade 1 Technician. Any problem that may arise during critical times will be quickly solved.
A Command Alkon Batch Computer maintains systematic, repeatable quality and properties, and provides multiple, interlocked safeguards against errors.
100% back up emergency power generation insures the completion of your pour, regardless of commercial power availability.
We can comfortably supply 60 cy/hr to nearby projects, and we have provided 800cy in one pour in one day.
Our manufactured limestone C33 specification sand will not pump in most cases, but with the addition of about 50% Natural silica sand, it is pumpable.
If you have a project underway, and do not have a quote from RBS Inc. specifically for that project, you could be paying way too much. You should have a quote based on your specifications and exact delivery distance.